Trivon Technologies was created due to the traditional manual hiring process for first responders. Aimed at integrating and consolidating qualified applicants, (TATS) – Trivon Applicant Tracking Systems was developed as an automated database and applicant pool for Police, Fire and EMT applicants. With the creation of TATS, Trivon Technologies has the capabilities to reduce time-consuming hiring processes. Trivon Technologies will assist local municipalities, cities and state governments – nationwide to consolidate resources for their police departments and fire departments’ hiring process by providing Trivon’s automated software solution program. Trivon will provide consulting services by leveraging leaderships decisions (Mayors, Council Members, City Managers, Police Chiefs/Fire Chiefs) of recognizing the benefits of utilizing technology to streamline the hiring process and reduction to budget allocation.
Currently, the State of Missouri is significantly unique in their regions traditional hiring process. For example, a Police Officer candidate, Fire candidate or EMT applicant must complete a manual application for consideration for each municipality, city or county department individually. The State of Missouri has 567 Police Departments (88 different municipalities in the St. Louis Region) and 773 Fire Departments (43 different fire departments in the St. Louis Region) and each applicant must submit tangible applications individually and wait for consideration from that entity to move forward in the hiring process.
TATS Applicant Tracking System (software program) is rendered through our server system that hosts our database. Trivon Technologies is fully supported and capable of completing the entire eight step hiring process. Once an applicant utilizes the TATS program, organizations (Police/Fire/EMTs) are able to access Trivon’s database and review completed profiles of candidates. Due to the consolidation of regional entities, an applicant will complete the process one time and can choose five different customers.